TOP 16 best means of prostatitis

Men of all ages are faced with prostatitis is a serious and common disease that significantly worsens the quality of life. Its causes a great variety – this stress, and improper diet, and various infections. The cure of prostatitis is chosen empirically, after consultation with the attending physician. Effective drugs invented a huge quantity, they are available in the form of capsules, tablets, suppositories, injection solutions.

How does prostatitis

Prostatitis is a male disease that affects the prostate gland. The latter is located near the beginning of the urethra, under the bladder, normally has a diameter of three inches. It produces a special secret, responsible for the viability of sperm. When an organ becomes inflamed, problems with urination (pain, cramps, burning sensation) ejaculation, orgasm weakening, the General decline of vitality. The older a person is, the greater the likelihood of disease. All prostate hurts from 9 to 16% of the total number of all adult men.

There are four major categories of this disease:

  • sharp;
  • chronic bacterial;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome (signs of inflammation with or without them);
  • asymptomatic;
  • chronic granulomatous.

In parallel with prostatitis, doctors often see a patient's urethritis, older people find benign prostatic hyperplasia. The disease can lead to severe impotence, infertility. The medicate should not deal with as "neglected" cases lead to serious consequences for the whole organism. Professional treatment received in the district hospital, is an inexpensive and effective if the disease hardly made itself felt.

The sooner treatment is started, the better the chances for full restoration of all disturbed functions. In the event of suspicion of the disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Signs, symptoms, causes

Causes of prostatitis are many, but doctors divide them into two groups:

Signs, symptoms, causes of prostatitis
  • non-infectious is "stagnant" option, resulting from inactivity (sedentary lifestyle), or General seasonal decline in immunity. The abuse of alcohol, tobacco, narcotic drugs, some prescription drugs can also cause disease. Prolonged sexual abstinence, especially in adulthood, like overly active sex life sometimes becomes a trigger for the disease;
  • infectious occur due to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In prostate tissue penetrate various germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi, causing inflammation. The primary focus of infection can be located and other places. In chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, dental treatment, infections of the kidneys, inflammation after operations on the organs of the abdomen and pelvis is often a disease.

The main symptoms are different severity of back pain in the groin, urethra, suprapubic area, scrotum, penis, lower back. At the same time there is a burning sensation, discomfort when urinating, delay ejaculation. The reasons for the development can also be a stomach injury, nerve damage in the pelvis, genitals, blood circulation, lymph flow, problems with the hormones (androgen deficiency) and severe forms of beriberi, daily stress. Of pathogens infection, the patient most frequently detected E. coli, Enterococcus, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Presumably, the cause of prostatitis can become chlamydia, Streptococcus, Mycoplasma, Staphylococcus. In extremely rare cases the tubercle Bacillus, Treponema pallidum, etc.

In the treatment of prostatitis are very different products – both in price and friendliness of the reception, duration of the treatment course. Physicians are encouraged to use the "proven" medications, not widely known and a new, supposedly efficient, but in fact, useless. Ratings means from diseases of the prostate are often published on medical websites.

Tablets from prostatitis

Tablets from prostatitis are:

  • Anti-inflammatory – which are aimed at removing inflammation and pain of the prostate;
  • Antibacterial – effective for the bacterial origin of disease; used only as directed by your doctor, after running tests to determine the pathogen;
  • Drugs to improve circulation are often the cause of inflammation becomes stagnant in the area of the pelvis, and these funds will help establish blood flow; in addition, they facilitate the arrival to the area of infection, antibiotics and other medicines;
  • Antispasmodics – eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, establishing urination;
  • Hormonal contribute to blocking the synthesis of testosterone, because the hormone encourages tissue growth;
  • Vitamins strengthen the immune system and normalize the state of health of the patient.

To choose the right tool, you need to make a diagnosis, to establish the cause of disease, its form.